Outdoor / Environmental Education

What is Outdoor and Environmental Education?

Outdoor and Environmental Education (OEE) is a holistic approach to learning that focuses on connecting individuals, often students, with the natural world and promoting an understanding of the environment, sustainability, and outdoor skills.

Training Video Capsules for Outdoor Education

This video capsule aims to highlight research done at Université de Sherbrooke that looks at the benefits of taking our students outdoors to learn subject content, support well-being and increase student engagement. 

Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet, Research Chair on Outdoor Education at Sherbrooke University

This video capsule aims to offer practical ideas, strategies, and tips and tricks for actively taking your students outdoors for learning.

Jean-Philippe Ayotte-Beaudet, Research Chair on Outdoor Education at Sherbrooke University

Kelly Fahey, Morin Heights Elementary School, SWLSB

Pamela Gibson, Learning for a Sustainable Future 

Resources for Outdoor and Environmental Education

Curated Resources for Outdoor and Environmental Education



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Reading the trail implies finding your way, movement (along a trail), exploring what the trail, or in this case a book, has to offer Up to you to judge. Here are a few media channels you can follow to brush up on your pedagogy, or just for fun!

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