Education for Truth & Reconciliation

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various opportunities for Professional Development.

What is Education for Truth and Reconciliation?

(Source:  Beginning the Journey Webinar with Lisa Howell. Offered in collaboration with LEARN. Sept. 17, 2021)

Education for Truth and Reconciliation involves working with First Nation, Métis, and Inuit to help rebalance the education system and ensure that Indigenous knowledge, worldviews, cultures, and histories are included and valued in schools. It is not only recognizing the past, but also the present and future contributions of Indigenous Peoples. It is not only what we teach, but how we teach. It is a holistic and lifelong learning approach that benefits ALL learners, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

Fingers pointing at areas of interest on the IPAC atlas
Hands-on exploration of the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada
LEARN works with schools, communities, and organizations throughout Quebec to promote and value Indigenous knowledges worldviews, cultures, and histories in all subject areas.

We aim to:

Not sure where to start? 

Education for Truth and Reconciliation often begins with you! We suggest that you take the time to reflect on your personal learning journey. Here is a KWL chart to get you started!

You may also want to check out this blog post featuring 10 of our favourite resources!

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada

IPAC atlas unfolded in gym
The Atlas is 8 x 11 meters and fits in most school gyms.

Made with Padlet

LEARN Blog Posts

Activity Plans

Indigenous Tourism in Quebec today

NEW LES: Indigenous Tourism in Quebec Today

In this LES, students will learn more about the 11 Nations with communities established in Quebec. They will select a Nation and research tourism opportunities in communities established by that particular Nation. While created as an extension to the Elementary Cycle 3 GHS program, this LES could easily be adapted for other cycles and to adress competencies in different subject areas, like ELA.
On behalf of LEARN, we want to express our sincere gratitude to Indigenous Tourism Quebec for generously offering to provide feedback to our team about the content of the Learning Evaluation Situation.

Note: The answer key is in a separate Google Folder. Here is the link. Teachers may need to request access to this document if they are not yet part of the LEARN Social Sciences group.

Newsletters & Mailing List

Want information about new resources and upcoming events related to Truth and Reconciliation in Quebec?

Register for our Education for Truth and Reconciliation mailing list

Check out our past email updates below:

November/december 2024 updates available via link above. page 1
November/december 2024 updates available via link above. page 2


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Indigenous Voices

These insightful videos feature Indigenous educators and consultants in Quebec. Hear their powerful voices as they share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on Truth and Reconciliation in Education. These videos offer valuable insights and suggestions for walking forward together. We’ve included questions to accompany each video, encouraging deeper reflection.

Recently Recorded Webinars

Click here to access the webinar recording and accompanying resources!
Storytelling with digital tools presentation slide
Click here to access the webinar recording and accompanying resources! are you on? Click here to access the workshop recording to learn about a tool for elementary and secondary, teachers and students, across the curriculum
Click here to access webinar recording and accompanying resources!

Curated Resources

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