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History & Citizenship Education (Cycle 1)

Browse the sections below for access to our Teacher and Student Resources and to
various opportunities for Professional Development.

LEARN Educational Resources

Teaching (and Learning) Resources

Our Cycle 1 History and Citizenship resources often contain both guides for teachers and resource packages or workbooks for students. Browse the complete list below or visit the Educational Resources page to perform your own search.


An online mapping tool

Cartograf allows students and teachers to create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects!   Our sample maps can also be used as-is in your class!

Student Resources

Some resources are specifically designed for student use. For example, our LEARN How-To series. Browse a few student tools below or visit the Educational Resources page to perform your own search.

Create a simple map
Google slideshow

Create a simple map

Create a simplified representation, a drawing of the essential elements of a territory or geographic phenomenon.

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Professional Learning Resources

Below are a few recent posts and other key resources related to the social sciences that we have posted. You can search other professional learning resources in Educational Resources here.

Professional Learning Opportunities


Visit our Workshops and Pedagogical Opportunities page for information on what is coming up!

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Pedagogical Support

Need help? Let us know and we will contact you.

Curated Resources

Curated Teaching and Learning Resources

Most of our curated resources are found embedded in the actual student resources we produce. Below are a few other ways to find what we find, to share what we share, and to stay connected doing it.

Curated Professional Development Resources

Check out our suggestions for professional development resources for teachers.

Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @paulrombo or contact us directly.

Learning Communities & Professional Associations

Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups:

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