Browse the sections below for access to our Teacher and Student Resources and to
various opportunities for Professional Development.
LEARN Educational Resources
Teaching Resources
Browse recent resources specifically designed for teachers of Québec's Contemporary World program, or use the Educational Resources search page here. Scan further below on this page for useful student resources and curated external sites.

Wealth and the Dilemma of Poverty Tourism
This Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES) helps students investigate an area of the world and learn about the nature and root causes of poverty. Students

Historical Discussion Game
A card deck and strategy to help students discuss various topics in the Social Sciences.

Gapminder Tools for country comparisons
Digital Competency in Action example: Use Gapminder to analyse trends & differences between countries.
An online mapping tool
Cartograf allows students and teachers to create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects! Our sample maps can also be used as-is in your class!

Student Resources
Browse some recent resources below, or use the Educational Resources search page here.

Gapminder Tools for country comparisons
Digital Competency in Action example: Use Gapminder to analyse trends & differences between countries.

CO2 emissions in the world
Portrait of the world’s greenhouse gas situation. Considering, “Who is most responsible?” and “Factors that make a country emit more or less CO2?”

Interpret a Picture
Steps to interpret a picture: First Impressions, Identifying Source, Digging deeper into Dates, Contexts.
Professional Development Resources
Below are a few recent posts and other key resources related to the social sciences that we have posted. You can search other professional learning resources in Educational Resources here.

Interpreting a Written Source
Presentation to help students understand and created different types of graphs.

Interpreting a Graph
Presentation to help students understand and created different types of graphs.

Of Mysteries, Microhistories and Lost Causes
A revisit and exploration of the Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History website leads to reflections on the nature of microhistories and our own History

Interactive Reader Maps in the English Language Arts Classroom
Heather Morrison (Teacher, Perspectives II High School, EMSB) &Ruwani Payoe (Teacher, Program Mile End High School, EMSB) were interested in employing more interactive maps and
Professional Learning Opportunities
Visit our Workshops and Pedagogical Opportunities page for information on what is coming up!
Curated Resources
Curated Teaching and Learning Resources
Curated Professional Development Resources
Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @paulrombo

View this series of seven video capsules, designed to help Social Science teachers acquire a deeper understanding of the Intellectual Operations.
Thanks to Andrew D’Anna, Consultant at English Montreal School Board, and his team. These capsules were inspired by the research of Dr. Catherine Duquette (UQAC), Dr. Nicole Monney (UQAC), Dr. Sylvie Fontaine (UQO), and Laurie Pageau (PhD candidate, ULaval).
Learning Communities & Professional Associations
Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups: