Browse the sections below for access to our Teacher and Student Resources and to
various opportunities for Professional Development.
LEARN Educational Resources
Teaching Resources

Google Slides & Cartograf to Create a Scavenger Hunt (WW1 Canadian Participation)
Google Slides allows teachers and students to use information. This tech tip shows how Cartograf can then be used to localize events in the context

Rebellions important consequences – Be a History Detective
Secondary-level History Detective strategy slide deck to help students to critically connect facts/concepts in documents on the consequences of the Rebellions with representative online historical

Chiefs, Council of Elders – Be a History Detective
Secondary-level History Detective strategy slide deck to help students critically connect facts/concepts in documents about Chiefs and Council of Elders with representative online historical images.

War of 1812 – Effects of a Global War
This Learning and Evaluation Situation helps students explore the locations and reasons for the War of 1812. They will examine the experiences of Indigenous peoples,

The Depression Era – Causes, Concepts, Consequences … Significance!
This Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES) allows students to explore and investigate events, ideas, and people involved in the Great Depression Era period. They will

Rebellions of 1837-38 – Consequences
This Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES) reviews key events of the Rebellions of 1837-38, but includes the perspectives of The Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke, as well

Rome – An Urban Heritage Territory
In this Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES), students examine the notion of the heritage city. They visit example sites and learn about existing organizations and

Civil Society – Actions that affect society
How do civil action affects contemporary society? In this Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES), students explore and investigate events that involve “civil society” reacting to
Student Resources

Rebellions important consequences – Be a History Detective
Secondary-level History Detective strategy slide deck to help students to critically connect facts/concepts in documents on the consequences of the Rebellions with representative online historical

Chiefs, Council of Elders – Be a History Detective
Secondary-level History Detective strategy slide deck to help students critically connect facts/concepts in documents about Chiefs and Council of Elders with representative online historical images.

What is a Metropolis? Interactive models with Scratch and Makey Makey (or Micro:bit)
Students use the Scratch programming application, and a Makey Makey or Micro:bit microcontroller that lets them create interactive models of in Social Sciences. It’s a

Personal & Career Development Resources
This resource has resources to support personal and career development. You’ll find quizzes, teaching materials, career information and self-awareness materials to begin students on their
Professional Development Resources

Micro:bit interactive model – Metropolis – Support Guide
Slides to support What is a Metropolis? Interactive models with Scratch and Makey Makey. Students use the Scratch programming application, and a Micro:bit microcontroller that

Makey Makey interactive model – Metropolis – Support Guide
Slides to support What is a Metropolis? Interactive models with Scratch and Makey Makey. Students use the Scratch programming application, and a Makey Makey microcontroller

Curricular Connections with Scratch in High School with Kai Hutchence
Learn how the Scratch coding platform can not only provide engaging and interesting coding education, but can also connect with learning outcomes across all subjects. Kai

Outdoor Education Infographic
This infographic aims to clarify misconceptions about outdoor education by enlightening educators and parents about its numerous benefits. This infographic was designed so that it could be
Professional Learning Opportunities
8th Annual Second Language CocktailFrançais, langue seconde
Voices from the Land: Valuing Indigenous Perspectives in Quebec’s ClassroomsEducation for Truth and ReconciliationRÉCIT
ASSEZ FRENCH: Spectacle et rencontre en ligne avec l’artiste fransaskoise Alexis NormandFrançais, langue seconde
Designing and Playing Games in Social SciencesRÉCITSocial Sciences
OCS Day : Creating Audio-Visual ContentRÉCITSTEAM
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
L’IA et les outils numériques dans l’enseignement des langues : Explorer l’intersection de la technologie et de l’identitéRÉCIT
Hotel Bonaventure, Rue De la Gauchetière Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada
Raconter des histoires en numérique pour les apprenants en languesRÉCIT
Hotel Bonaventure, Rue De la Gauchetière Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada
OCS Day : Innovative Storytelling TechniquesRÉCITSTEAM
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
43e colloque de l’AQUOPS : Cultiver ensemble l’équilibre numériqueFrançais, langue secondeMATISOutdoor EducationRÉCITSTEAM
AQUOPS – Espace créatif, l’univers des possiblesFrançais, langue secondeMATISRÉCITSTEAM
AQUOPS – Le micro:bit à l’extérieurOutdoor EducationRÉCIT
AQUOPS – Cultiver l’équilibre avec l’IA et les outils numériques (en présence)Français, langue secondeRÉCIT
AQUOPS – On s’évade de la classe « together »Français, langue secondeRÉCIT
AQUOPS – Cultiver l’équilibre avec l’IA et les outils numériques (virtuel)Français, langue secondeRÉCIT
OCS Day : Artificial IntelligenceRÉCITSTEAM
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
Pedagogical Support
Please contact us if you are looking for personalized support in the form of workshops, classroom support, or curriculum planning.
Curated Resources
Curated Teaching and Learning Resources
Curated Professional Development Resources
Have you got a favourite Podcast, Youtube channel or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @LEARN_Ped or contact us directly.
Learning Communities & Professional Associations
Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups: