Career Development

Welcome to the Career Development Subject Area!

The Career Development Subject Area (CD) consists of three courses:

The CD courses specific to the Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) are available by clicking the PWT or TST icons below to go to the Career Development Subject Area.

CD Teaching Resources – Overview

Numerous resources have been developed for teaching CD courses, especially:

Placemats” that capture the PROCESS highlights on a single page

A-5 minute Video that guides you through the learning process

Graphic Organizer templates

Activities templates

Getting Started

  • What am I supposed to teach and evaluate?
  • What does POP/Explo/EN student work look like? Learning and Evaluation Files (LEF)
  • How do I put these pieces into a term plan?
  • Guides and Planning Tools

Graphic Organizers (GO)

A GO is a visual learning tool that helps students organize their thoughts, either alone or in a group.

A GO visually chunks a task into manageable segments or steps, guiding a student to think through each step in the process. 

In terms of artifacts, GOs make visible the invisible thinking processes a student uses at various points in a process. 

Completed GOs become evidence – artifacts of student learning as they are engaged in their various tasks. These artifacts represent the learning processes students engage in. 


Activities are targeted, purposeful teaching and learning moments. They usually lead into, or are timely, to where students are in a process or in a project.

Activities can be completed in a short period of time. They should not stand alone; the activity completed should be put into the context of student work.

They target specific key features, and program content. Activities target one phase of the learning and evaluation process, but may touch on other phases.

Activities are context independent. They often leave traces of learning, or student work, which facilitates the evaluation process. Activities build competency.

The GO and Activity resources are available in two formats. PDFs are intended to be printed and completed by hand. Word formats are intended to be downloaded to be completed in Word.

*Please note that these documents are copyright protected and cannot be altered. The purpose of the Microsoft Word version is to allow the user to type directly into the text boxes of the document and save an electronic copy.

Getting Started

Mati – POP

Anthony – Explo

Jake – EN


These guides have been created to support schools in implementing learning and evaluation files (LEFs) in the classroom. They suggest avenues for exploration and resources that teachers can use at their discretion in order to support and guide their students in constructing their LEFs.

The avenues for exploration presented in these guides are in line with the values and orientations in the Policy on the Evaluation of Learning. They exemplify the Policy’s evaluation process, which consists in planning, gathering information, interpreting, making judgments and making decisions and incorporate the two functions of evaluation: support for learning and recognition of learning.

Planning Tools

In accordance with the learning and evaluation goals and the time of year, select relevant observable elements and the associated requirements. The list of observable elements is not exhaustive and the elements in it are presented as examples. The detailed program content is presented.

Career Community News

Career Community News* highlights school and community activities, events, and projects related to the Career Development subject area, as well as information, resources, tips, and tools for teachers of POP, Explo, and EN.

*Career Community News is published by CREATE in collaboration with Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) Direction du soutien au réseau éducatif anglophone (DSREA), and is funded by MEQ, through contributions from the Canada-Québec Agreement on Minority Language Education and Second-Language Instruction. Coming soon . . .

CREATE Consultants

The provincial Career Education and Transition to Employment (CREATE) subcommittee serves WOTP, CD, GOAL/ACGC and the Entrepreneurship measure. Note: If CD is not being taught at any school in a school board, there will be no consultant representing the school board on the CREATE subcommittee.

Central Québec School Board
Lucie Gingras

Cree School Board
To be determined

Eastern Shores School Board
To be determined

Eastern Townships School Board
To be determined

English Montreal School Board
Travis Hall

Kahnawake Education Centre
Jason Brand

Kativik Ilisarniliriniq
Gabriel Besner

Lester B. Pearson School Board
To be determined

Littoral School Board
To be determined

New Frontiers School Board
To be determined

Riverside School Board
To be determined

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
To be determined

Western Quebec School Board
Steve Greig

Updated: August 21, 2024

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