Geography, History and Citizenship Education

Welcome to the Elementary Geography, History & Citizenship Education main page on LEARN. Visit the Societies and Territories site for Cycle 2 and 3 program content and learning strategies. Browse below for more resources and tools.

Societies and Territories

Students can browse the various societies studied in the Québec Geography, History & Citizenship Education Program (C2) or they can consider changes (C2) or diversity (C3) by comparing societies over time, here, or elsewhere in the world.

LEARN Educational Resources

Teaching Resources

Welcome to the Elementary Geography, History & Citizenship Education main page on LEARN. Visit the Societies and Territories site for Cycle 2 and 3 program content and learning strategies. A few teacher resources are also available below.

Primary Sources Database

Primary resource collection is made up of visual documents, artifacts, and written documents. Resources have also been tagged to different time periods, themes, and societies

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Feature: Games and Game Design

Using games and game-based strategies is a great way to learn.  Use existing sample games in your class, or learn how you or your students can “design” and develop  games and strategies, as a way to learn, review, share and play during class!

Feature: Intellectual Operations Badge Guides

Learn more about the Intellectual Operations, and ways students can use them in daily life to describe just about anything.  Students can then use these tools and processes to examine and explain the societies and territories they study. 


An Online Mapping Tool

Cartograf is an online tool that allows students and teachers to create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects.

Student Resources

Students can access our various Societies and Territories student pages via our dedicated site here. Some site sections and the occasional student tool are also highlighted below.

Professional Learning Resources

Below are a few recent posts and other key resources related to the social sciences that we have posted on our own blogs. You can also refine your search for other LEARN PD resources via the Educational Resources page here.

Professional Learning Opportunities


View available workshops and up-and-coming PD opportunities listed below.

Pedagogical Support

Please contact us if you are looking for personalized support in the form of workshops, classroom support, or curriculum planning.​

Curated Resources

Curated Teaching and Learning Resources

Most of our curated resources are found embedded in the actual student resources we produce. Below are a few other ways to find what we find, to share what we share, and to stay connected doing it.

Curated Professional Development Resources

Welcome to LEARN's Social Sciences media page for professional development suggestions for teachers.

Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @paulrombo or contact us directly.

Podcasts are a great way to engage with recent scholarship. History podcasts, for example, feature interviews with historians who are discussing their current or past work.

In many cases, these interviews not only provided for really good information to incorporate into your lessons, but they can also directed you to their books, sites, blogs, etc.” Read more on Matt’s post Podcasts for Professional Development on the LEARN blog.


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Are Youtube channels the new Podcasts? Up to you to judge. Here are a few media channels you can follow to brush up on your pedagogy, or just for fun!

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View this series of seven video capsules, designed to help Social Science teachers acquire a deeper understanding of the Intellectual Operations.

Thanks to Andrew D’Anna, Consultant at English Montreal School Board, and his team. These capsules were inspired by the research of Dr. Catherine Duquette (UQAC), Dr. Nicole Monney (UQAC), Dr. Sylvie Fontaine (UQO), and Laurie Pageau (PhD candidate, ULaval).

Learning Communities & Professional Associations

Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professionals and life-long learners. Here is a list of few key groups:

Contacts in Social Sciences

Stacy Anne Allen & Paul Rombough

LEARN consultants in Elementary & Secondary Social Sciences

Contact Stacy directly or via Twitter (X) !

Contact Paul directly or via Twitter (X) !

Some other Twitter folks worth following

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