
“Theatre is the art of looking at ourselves” – Augusto Boal

Student Resources

Learning tools for student use.

Professional Development Resources

Blog posts and other professional development resources.

Professional Learning


All workshops and PD from LEARN

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Pedagogical Support

Please contact us if you are looking for personalized support in the form of workshops, classroom support, or curriculum planning.

Curated Resources

Curated Teaching and Learning Resources

Selected links to useful resources for teaching the arts subjects

Curated Professional Development Resources

PD resources for Drama Education

Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes?
Email it to sbielec@learnquebec.ca

Learning Communities & Professional Associations

Various associations and groups allow drama teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups:

Contact in the Arts

Sylwia Bielec

Sylwia is the Arts consultant at LEARN. Her goal is to live a creative life.

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