Eclipse Resources
On April 8th a once in a lifetime Eclipse with pass over Quebec, this Padlet will get you ready!
Home » Student Resources » Explanatory or descriptive video
On April 8th a once in a lifetime Eclipse with pass over Quebec, this Padlet will get you ready!
Students use sketching app to “describe” elements of a society and indicate changes.
This video tutorial, hosted by LEARN – RÉCIT provincial service for the anglophone community, enables those new to Scratch to
Accompanying presentation to the Scratch Jr Code-Along video tutorial.
This video tutorial enables those new to Scratch Jr. to “code-along” with a simple introduction to the Scratch Jr. interface
Key stop for overviews of History Competencies, the Intellectual Operations, and to access our Graphic Organizers.
Ways to use the I.O.s to describe anything, including what you are passionate about!
Create a simplified representation, a drawing of the essential elements of a territory or geographic phenomenon.
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