Picture Books to spark inquiry in STEAM Education
To explore the picture book genre for content teaching, particularly in the area of STEAM education. These are the presentation
To explore the picture book genre for content teaching, particularly in the area of STEAM education. These are the presentation
The presentation from Kelly Fahey, teacher at Morin Heights Elementary School (SWLSB), on the topic of winter activities.
Presentation slides with embedded links to provide challenges for STEAM activities including paper circuits, e-textile creations, interactive posters, low-tech storytelling,
Presentation slides to accompany the Whose.Land are you on? Webinar
Presentation slides to support the webinar session, hosted by LEARN with guest presenters Heather De Lagran (NFB) and Melissa Dent
Presentation slides to support the webinar session, hosted by LEARN with guest presenters Heather De Lagran (NFB) and Melissa Dent
Presentation slides to accompany the webinar recording.
Presentation slides by Judy Halpern to accompany our spring book webinar which feature Judy Halpern talking about picture books that
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