Consumer Society: American Culture, New Generation, Ads!
Web and document-based resources on questions about American and Consumer cultures.
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Web and document-based resources on questions about American and Consumer cultures.
Texts, document collections and activities on the years leading to the Second World War, ‘Canada’s growing autonomy, and the effects
Students will consider questions like, “How does nationalism shape identity? What was (and is!) the role of the state in
Students will consider questions like, “Who started the Cold War?” They will be able to identify the causes of the Cold
Curated historical documents that can be used to help students consider essential questions like “How does government use its power?”
Curated historical documents that can be used to help students consider essential questions like “How does government use its power?”
Consider essential questions like “Was there more change in the 2nd phase of industrialization or more continuity?”
Consider essential questions like “Was the 20th Century to be the Century of Canada?” and “How far should Canada go
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