History & Citizenship Education (Cycle 1)
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Browse the sections below for access to our Teacher and Student Resources and to
various opportunities for Professional Development.
LEARN Educational Resources
Teaching (and Learning) Resources
Our Cycle 1 History resources often contain both guides for teachers and resource packages or workbooks for students. Browse the complete list below or visit the Educational Resources page to perform your own search.
Histoire locale : lignes du temps, entrevues, guides de recherche
Cette série de gabarits s’adresse aux élèves qui font un projet de recherche sur un sujet d’histoire locale. Les gabarits
An online mapping tool
Cartograf is an open-source, interactive web-based mapping and drawing application. It allows students and teachers to create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects!
We also provide many sample maps that can be used as student and teaching resources in your class!
Student Resources
Some resources are specifically designed for student use. For example, our LEARN How-To series. Browse a few student tools below or visit the Educational Resources page to perform your own search.
Histoire locale : lignes du temps, entrevues, guides de recherche
Cette série de gabarits s’adresse aux élèves qui font un projet de recherche sur un sujet d’histoire locale. Les gabarits
Professional Learning Resources
Below are a few recent posts and other key resources related to the social sciences that we have posted. You can search other professional learning resources in Educational Resources here.
Histoire locale: Une approche pédagogique pluridisciplinaire pour l’univers social en contexte de langue seconde
La présentation accompagnant l’enregistrement vidéo “Histoire locale : une approche pédagogique pluridisciplinaire pour l’univers social en contexte de langue seconde”,
Histoire locale: Une approche pédagogique pluridisciplinaire pour l’univers social en contexte de langue seconde.
Au nom de l’AQEFLS, ceci est l’atelier B7 de la série Learn, Histoire locale : une approche pédagogique pluridisciplinaire pour
Professional Learning Opportunities
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ONLINE! Spotlight on the ArtsRÉCITSTEAM
EN LIGNE! Réussir en français, un risque à la foisFrançais, langue secondeRÉCIT
LOCATION CHANGE! Screen-free Robotics in K and Cycle 1MATISRÉCITSTEAM
Journée espace créatif de LEARN : Éducation en plein airOutdoor EducationRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
Scratch Educators Quebec MeetupRÉCITSTEAM
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Les objectifs de développement durableMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Le jeu libre en préscolaireMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
ScratchEd Quebec MeetupRÉCITSTEAM
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Les arts pour tousMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Création de contenus audiovisuelsMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Techniques innovantes de narrationFrançaisFrançais, langue secondelangue secondeMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
La journée espace créatif de LEARN : Intelligence artificielleFrançaisFrançais, langue secondelangue secondeMATISRÉCIT
4190 rue Garand, Suite 201, Laval, Québec, H7L 5Z6
Pedagogical Support
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Curated Resources
Curated Teaching and Learning Resources
Most of our curated resources are found embedded in the actual student resources we produce. Below are a few other ways to find what we find, to share what we share, and to stay connected doing it.
Curated Professional Development Resources
Welcome to LEARN's Social Sciences media page for professional development suggestions for teachers.
Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @paulrombo or contact us directly.
Learning Communities & Professional Associations
Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups: