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“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent” – Victor Hugo

LEARN Educational Resources

Teaching Resources

Music education resources for teaching and learning. Scan below to find learning strategies, document collections and more.

L’art-défi en 30 jours

Au cours du défi “30 jours d’art”, les élèves réalisent une activité artistique par jour pendant 30 jours et notent leur participation sur la feuille

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Graphic Organizer Store House

Visit our central storehouse for various graphic organizers, many which were developed for the myriad learning scenarios and document packages elsewhere on LEARN.

Evaluation Strategies and Tools

Tools and strategies to help teachers use the evaluation frameworks, monitor skills particular to the social sciences, and develop some best practices for exam situations. Note that this is where you will also find the LEARN I.O. icons and RECITUS Badges and Guides!

Cartograf - A LEARN-RECIT

Online Mapping Tool

Cartograf is an open-source, interactive web-based mapping and drawing application.
It allows students and teachers to create and share maps, collect and analyze images, and work collaboratively on class projects!

Student Resources

Resources for students in the Arts

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Professional Development Resources

Professional organisations, blog posts and other PD resources

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Professional Learning


LEARN workshops for Music teachers

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En savoir plus

Pedagogical Support

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Curated Resources

Curated Teaching and Learning Resources

Pages of resources for all Arts subjects

Curated Professional Development Resources

Welcome to LEARN's Social Sciences media page for professional development suggestions for teachers.

Have you got a favourite Podcast or Youtube station or other online media source you use for PD or in your classes? Tweet it to @paulrombo or contact us directly.

Podcasts are a great way to engage with recent scholarship. History podcasts, for example, feature interviews with historians who are discussing their current or past work.

In many cases, these interviews not only provided for really good information to incorporate into your lessons, but they can also directed you to their books, sites, blogs, etc.” Read more on Matt’s post Podcasts for Professional Development on the LEARN blog.


Hecho con Padlet

Are Youtube channels the new Podcasts?

Up to you to judge. Here are a few media channels you can follow to brush up on your pedagogy, or just for fun!


Hecho con Padlet

View this series of seven video capsules, designed to help Social Science teachers acquire a deeper understanding of the Intellectual Operations.

Thanks to Andrew D’Anna, Consultant at English Montreal School Board, and his team. These capsules were inspired by the research of Dr. Catherine Duquette (UQAC), Dr. Nicole Monney (UQAC), Dr. Sylvie Fontaine (UQO), and Laurie Pageau (PhD candidate, ULaval).


Social Justice Competencies

Lisa K. Taylor’s strategies and resources (icons too!) to support curricula that frame and infuse students learning through a perspective of social justice and the active transformation of all forms of discrimination.

Learning Communities & Professional Associations

Various associations and groups allow SocSci teachers to communicate and share, and to develop as professional learners. Here is a list of few key groups:

Contact in the Arts

Sylwia Bielec

Sylwia is the Arts consultant at LEARN. She strives to live a creative life.

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