PED Team's Initiatives

The pedagogical services team is proudly taking leading action in various domains of education.

A Local History Toolkit

The Local History Toolkit was designed to support and deepen student learning by helping students and staff connect to place. This multi-disciplinary project incorporates activities that activate language, social sciences, art, and digital competency. The project includes prompts for local history (monuments, buildings, art work, etc) as well as student and educator tools to support learning and assessment (interview rubrics and guides, tools for examining artifacts, etc).

Accent Québec

Accent Québec is a bilingual directory of recreational, cultural and educational resources to help French language learners in Québec experience French opportunities in their communities.
LEARN is a co-founder of this initiative. LEARN’s role was to coordinate and collaborate with the other partners, and to create and host the website.
LEARN’s partners on this initiative are Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB), Canadian Parents for French – Projet Québec & Nunavut, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, and John Abbott College.

Linguistic Risk-Taking Passport

The Linguistic Risk-Taking Passport is a student resource designed to encourage students to take various linguistic challenges, ultimately enhancing their confidence in their second language. There are 4 passports (2 French, 1 bilingual, and 1 English) which meet the needs of students through elementary and secondary school. These tools assist students in integrating linguistic risks into their daily routine and fostering an understanding that risk-taking is a positive learning strategy. This project is a collaboration of LEARN, SPEAQ, LBPSB, SWLSB, CSSMI and CSDL.

About PED

Our team of pedagogical services develops and shares resources, and provides professional learning opportunities for educators in the English language community, online and on site.

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